For children, for animals, for nature. Helping others for a better future with Almagea
Although we welcomed the new year 2023, which we are very much looking forward to, now is the right moment to return to 2022 briefly. And highlight all those beautiful moments and achieved goals that we made in 2022. It was a year full of beautiful but also challenging business moments, but what fills us and makes us happy is the fact that this year, we succeeded in one of our main goals, which is helping others: children, animals, and nature, all with the goal that the future of us and our youngest will be as excellent and high-quality as possible.
We signed an agreement with the Dora Association, a humanitarian organization in child and youth care in Croatia, on annual scholarships for their residents. With a monthly monetary donation, we help educate their wards and contribute to the quality of their lives. We are delighted that, in this way, we made everyday life at least a little easier for the younger generations and prepared them to face the future ahead of them.
For the tails of man’s best friend to continue to wave happily and to thank the people who care for them every day with devotion, we supported the work of the “Šapa u srcu” Association from Ogulin with a donation of HRK 5,000. We hope that the tummies of the residents of this Association have been filled, and we wish them to settle happily as soon as possible and find their forever families where they will be happy forever.
We became a bronze sponsor of the Association “Zasadi stablo, ne budi panj” and supported the 4th national tree planting campaign in the Republic of Croatia in 2022 with a donation of HRK 5,000. We liked this initiative, and we believe that investing in nature by planting new trees is one of the best contributions to a better and better future for nature and humanity.
In addition to all of the above, there are other things that we can proudly point out: we are also paying attention in 2022. contributed to making all our promotional materials biodegradable, but also making all packaging ecological.
With continuous care to produce as little waste as possible inside and outside the office and to separate the trash properly, we have started cooperation with a company that buys large quantities of our office waste and disposes of it properly. We place great importance on hygiene and cleanliness, which is why we supported the “Sapuni s točkicama” project of the Association of the Blind Zagreb by purchasing their liquid soap for office needs. Our goal is to keep this excellent project in the future as well. It is well known that we at Almagea put health care first. Therefore, all our employees have contracted additional health insurance this year to prevent and preserve their health. We also helped the work of numerous student associations, congresses, and gatherings held in 2022 by donating our products.
And finally, a lovely quote that will guide us in 2023. for the successful continuation of our socially responsible business:
“As you grow up, you will discover that you have two hands, one to help yourself and the other to help those around you.”
May we all have a happy, cheerful, and prosperous 2023 and the main thing – is to remember that helping others is essential; continue to help people around you and be big-hearted whenever possible.
Your Almagea
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